What's in my Pool Bag

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Pool and beach season is here! This time of year I always have my bag ready to go so we can be on the move. These are some of my must haves that never disappoint 

The Bag

Well of course you need something cute and fun to put it all in. I’m all about a beach straw tote


I love this one because of the shimmer it gives your skin. It’s moisturizing and SPF 40

Try these options for the face


We protect our skin so why not our hair. Did you know 7 seconds has a UV protectant as well? Conditioner also acts as a filler so your hair won’t suck up that chlorine water or dirty salt water which can be so damaging and ruin your color. Does your little one's hair turn green? Spray the ends with this and throw it in a braid. You can spray it right on dry ends to protect them


Luckily protecting our skin can be cute! I like the wide brim hats for coverage and they’re stylish

Another great option in a visor. I normally like to wear my hair in a top knot at the beach or pool and that look fits perfectly with one of these visors


I like a hint of color on my lips plus moisture. This lip balm from Nars is my favorite. I keep one in my purse and pool bag at all times. It’s the perfect sheer pink nude tone for a fresh and natural look.


Ok I say THE towel because this towel is like a shamwow for your body! It dries quickly and repels sand, plus it rolls up so neatly it doesn't take up too much space in your bag. I pack these in my kids bags for summer camp and sailing also. Best part, they’re on Amazon.